Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Khao Pad Moo [fried rice with pork]

Food in Thailand is so good. I had more fried rice today for lunch and it is seriously one of the best foods ever. Not just in Thailand but anywhere. Sometimes at home I order take out from PF Changs and just get fried rice because it's one of my favorites. But I like other food as well. I have yet to eat anything that is truly spicy here. But I think it may be because I am white so the restaurants don't give me very spicy food. But I have actually eaten quite a bit of American food as well here. I am trying to live like Jen does to really experience life here and that means not always eating Thai food. We ate at a mexican restaurant the other day and it was so good. I really like most of the food I have tried and I am looking forward to trying more.

Oh, and I am a pro at chopsticks. haha. but seriously i really like using them.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

If you ate at Miguel's I would be so jealous. But I am jealous anyway because you get to hang out with Jenni. LUCKY!!